Thursday, December 30, 2004

Time wise, it's getting harder to blog right now..

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Thunderbird has reached 1.0!
If you're still using Outlook Express, try this out. You'll be thankful you did.

Saturday, December 04, 2004

I'm contemplating starting a radio station.
Yes, I'm serious.
I think I'll start with a shoutcast station first, then if I can manage it..
Why can't I get to the FCC's site? Is it down?

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Just noticed The Brink has a blog, in addition to their website. Don't miss their December show! Come support(only encouragement required-this one's free) some funny local people.
Also just noticed The Register's has been revamped, and it's better now.
Also noticed my picture on the YDMSC site. Don't you just hate looking at yourself in pictures? I know, you could draw something physcological from that, but don't you too? I know few people who like their appearence in pictures...