Saw the great show on String Theory on PBS last night, then to the website.
Now this is how a good show-site match is done. And after a show like that, you still have questions; so to see a site like this- full of good information, is a pleasant change.
Rocky Waves
Mostly just posting links here, instead of cc:'ing them to everyone. see here. Some is also just me venting. I'm not as active as when I first started, but I'm still here :)
Wednesday, October 29, 2003
Tuesday, October 28, 2003
Database/Blog/Tiki quoting Professors, submitted by students. (naturally)
m o n k e y c u b e : the rant: "I'm What They Call 'A Computer Person'"
Just found this guy; seems like he's trying to stay semi-anonymous. He's in DSM and I think these rants are funny, probably because they hit close to home.
Monday, October 27, 2003
-Pieces of April-
One of the films on my gotta-go-see list, was just featured on a local news channel. It turns out the writer/director, Peter Hedges, is from here, so naturally it was a hometown-boy-does-good piece.
Anyway, if you like Lost in Translation, you'll like this.
Citi's CEO's SSN sky-written over NYC
The Foundation for Taxpayer & Consumer Rights paid a skywriter to etch part of the social security number of Citigroups CEO in the sky over Manhattan, to protest Citi's lobbying against new consumer privacy legislation.
"Citigroup has gotten off pretty easy for advertising that it protects peoples' privacy, when in fact it has been not only sharing information among its many affiliates, but also spending $4.6 million lobbying in the first half of this year on this bill," Court said. "Their customers have to know that all those ATM fees they're paying are going to work against them. Citigroup has to face the fact that if they keep this up ... there's a good chance that one day they may face a boycott."
Wired article- via BoingBoing
Wired News: Microsoft Gives Glimpse of New OS
So, WinFS will be based on XML now, instead of SQL? Or will it still be based on SQL, with the OS defaulting all files to MS's ver. of XML?
My guess is it'll be the later, 'cause tieing everyone to proprietary formats is MS's thing.
Wired 11.11: Leader of the Free World
an interview with Linus.
Wired 11.11: Matrix Revelations
Larry Wachowski is a cross-dresser?
Man uses Web to rant. News at 11.
The CADT Model
Cascade of Attention-Deficit Teenagers programming model.
The Register: "Intel takes axe to P4, Celeron prices"
Sunday, October 26, 2003
Globe Trekker --This show is awesome!!
The next one will be Trekking in Austria and Switzerland.
Thieves steal playable version of Half-Life 2 - Oct. 7, 2003
Security, people: Off the shelf AV products do not make you invulnerable to deliberate attacks.
CDR-Info, The Recording Authority: "DVD Media Format Compatibility Tests"
BTW, CDRInfo is a really good site on CD&DVD burning. If you want to know more about things than just putting a disc in and using the built-in apps (like WMP), then this is one of the sites to visit. (beware of popups)
Ok, if you're up-to-date on the 411, then some of my posts (like the following) may be redundant for a while. I'm just archiving them for myself & family.
Did you know the Entire MIT library is now online at MIT OpenCourseWare for free?
DTV @ IPTV IPTV's site for DTV(HDTV). Don't miss the link to Bill Hayes' journal on building their DTV network.
Oh, and the Iowa DTV Symposium 2003 is this week.
When shopping online, you still have to wait for shipping. Flexonics may change that.
Weeks after installing it, this screensaver still makes me grin.
Emulators Online free Atari and Apple Macintosh emulation.
In case you didn't know, Amazon's Search Inside the Book feat. starts today.
TheFeature :: Mob Rule
Interview with Howard Rheingold, of Smart Mobs fame.
Slashdot | 1.70 Mhz 8-Bit Ataris Get 10 Mbit Ethernet Using uIP and Contiki from Adam Dunkels. Hmm.
Oh god I need want a Tivo.
BTW, does anyone know if Snapstream can effectively do the same as Tivo's "season pass" yet? It can control a digital cable box through an IR blaster, which is nice, but being able to 'set it and forget it' (to borrow from that terrible infomercial) is still #1 on my list.
Saturday, October 25, 2003
Picked up the latest Cityview yesterday, and the feature piece on what to do next weekend features 2 sounds-like-they'll-be-good parties. Especially Saturday's. I'm curious to see how they pull off the electronica to Blues to African back to techno transitions. On Friday, the one at the Garden; with the exception that it's going to be themed, this is the same decadent halloween bash they've had every year.
3 good parties in one month? Wow, feels like the early 90's again!
now my gripe/rant-
Anne Mathey, you wrote an acceptable article and I'm glad you wrote it. I don't think I would have found out about Spiderwebstock without it, as my friends and I have fallen away from the scene as we've aged. But... Here are 2 sentences: a."This kind of stuff doesn't happen in Des Moines." b."If Des Moines' young people are saying there's nothing to do here, they haven't been paying attention."
These are (almost) opposite statements, yet you use both in your article. More importantly, which did you (or the editor) choose for the title/headline? If you can't tell, I'm all for B, the more positive outlook. It torques me off when you do this, because when I walk around trying to combat this negative-stereotype cloud hanging over our city with B, you are perpetuating the cloud with A, headlining it in front of the kids' eyeballs.
-unfortunately, my rant went on longer than the starting post. Is this a sign of things to come?
Tom's Hardware Guide Processors: Dual Xeon Duo: What Good Is the L3 Cache? - Xeon 3.06: L3 cache for more speed?
So, basically, it's not worth paying extra for L3 cache.
So is this: Cooler Master ACB-V83 JET 7
Oh, now this is pretty: Cooler Master LHD-V04 CoolDrive 4
Friday, October 24, 2003
Ah, the way we say things.
Know how different things are said in different parts of the country? Here's the results of a Harvard survey on it-Dialect Survey Results; and another one on the great Pop vs. Soda debate.
both via #!/usr/bin/girl -v3
Anyone notice Hotmail spam picked back up?
It had died down when MS went on a suing spree, but now it's back. Seems suing the spammers didn't work; big surprise. It was nice while it lasted.
going to test w.bloggar now.
Going to work on a Habitat house this morning.
I'd like to go to an early Halloween party tonight;we'll see if I've got enough sleep by then.
BTW, I know most new blogs flame-up early and burn-out. Consciously knowing that, We'll see if that happens here..
Ok, first entry; It's got to be a duzey.
No foget that- it's 5, no wait, 6am and I've been up all night. There's no chance anything of substance will be coming from me.
I start this blog to communicate with friends and family and to archive links. This way I can (attempt to) stop sending msgs cc'd to a dozen people, filling email boxes with crap they may not want. I've never wanted to be one of those people you hate getting email from (because then my msgs get ignored), so I'd censor & edit what-goes-to-whom. This has gotten too tedious. Now I'll post here, and if it interests you, fine. If it doesn't, fine.