Wednesday, April 28, 2004

With all the crap on TV these days, don't you just miss The Muppet Show??!!??
Yea! Everyone with Blogger gets in on GMail!

Thursday, April 22, 2004

Laffin Out Loud! more comedy a-brewin' in DSM!
Colorblind Productions is starting a new show down at Spaghetti Works, taping on Sat. night. It'd be great if this became a regular thing!

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

just incase you didn't catch it on Blogger's front page: - Iraqis enjoy new freedom of expression on Web journals

Friday, April 16, 2004

AP - IRS: Electronic filing hits record highs
plus the fact that >.5% of electroniclly filed returns have errors versus almost 20% with paper returns.

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Capitalizing On Rural America Surprisingly interesting. No matter what, if you live in the midwest, this applies to you. Intermixed in the blah were some poignant thoughts and ideas. Whoever organized the event should be congratulated on getting Arthur Miller as moderator. That brought it the next level.

I encourage everyone to come out for the Mayor's Annual Ride for Trails. Simply put, we need better parks and more trails. If you agree, come show your support!

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Debunking the popular myth that seniors* don't use the internet (or computers), the Pew Internet Project just released an Older Americans and the Internet report.
*Depending on what you define as seniors; Baby boomers are not quite "Seniors", yet are online almost as much as us younger folk.

This is also interesting when compared to their other latest report: The rise of wireless connectivity and our latest findings.

Nokia redesigns the N-gage Although I haven't played on a handheld in years (decade?), I have watched the N-gauge story because it's a good example of convergence. The radical physical design of the beast caused a humorous backlash among some users. The two major flaws were the requirement to take out the battery in order to change games, and the "sidetalkin'" position you put the unit in to use it as a phone. The latter was the one that made the device the preverbial laughing stock, as you can see in the pictures.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

PC Games: Want Tribes? Get Tribes: You may or may not play PC games, but I thought I'd pass this on. In promotion for it's upcoming game, Vivendi's giving away the first two games for free.

BURN-Proof: "SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. has developed a high-density writing technology, 'HD-BURN', which has allowed conventional CD-R media (700MB) to doubles the writing capacity (1.4GB)." Ahh, vely interlesting...

Monday, April 05, 2004

Supercomputer's Speed Isn't Superior: "The resulting machine was intended to be similar to so-called massively parallel supercomputers" NYTimes picks up the story..... I just love it when people, like reporters-charged with informing the public, use the words "so-called", as if they question whether or not that is what the particular thing is called! This is just one example.

Sunday, April 04, 2004

Map of London wi-fi points -make that Public Wi-Fi points, as supplied by Intel. London's a bad example, as it's a large city and we expect it there, but the US is behind almost everyone in Wi-Fi rollout.
Mercury News: "organizers demonstrated that their idea for bringing ordinary PCs together as a temporary supercomputer isn't an idle college daydream"
Young man marries own grandmother
Slashdot | Zero Install: The Future of Linux on the Desktop?

Saturday, April 03, 2004

O'Reilly Network: [2004 03, April] > O'Reilly Network: Damien Stolarz [Sep. 17, 2003] > Welcome to Doxpara Research! > Tools for Bandwidth Estimation Sometimes I like what I find down the rabbit hole.
X-bit labs - Hardware news - IBM Opens the Gates of Power

SPAMARAMA Oh, now this is just wrong....
The National Rifleman Association's KOOKY KIDZ KORNER! Is it just me, or is this going to far?..
Landover Baptist | Where the Worthwhile Worship. Unsaved Unwelcome. You wouldn't believe how I found this one. All I can do is shake my head. I understand, it's satire, but come on..
BTW, if you like satire, don't forget The Onion.

Friday, April 02, 2004

How To Ask Questions The Smart Way This is a good FAQ for anyone about to ask a question in a newsgroup, IRC, or Web forum-basically anywhere on the internet. If you did not grow up being taught this, READ!

Thursday, April 01, 2004

AP Wire | 03/31/2004 | Wal-Mart online store to offer PCs running Sun's Linux software They dropped VIA processors for Durons; Does this mean they dropped Lindows for Sun's JDS? Or is Wal-Mart selling systems with 3 different Linux distros available?
- Linux Loyalists Leery The Points brought up here are examples of how Red Hat has turned down the wrong road.
In-Stat/MDR - Microprocessor Report Watch Newsletters It's true, Intel has reverse-engineered AMD for once!
via the Inquirer
Intel set to introduce processors with integrated memory controllers Story from the Rumor mill is Intel is following AMD again. First it was DDR vs. Rambus, then AMD brings 64bit first and Intel positions itself a follower by using the AMD design. Next they're going to switch from frequency rating to model numbers like AMD did 3 yrs ago, and now integrated memory controllers?
Of course, a professional writer can outline it better:Where AMD leads, Intel follows
In case you think I'm harping on Intel today, I'll bring up something positive: PCI Express.
Competition is a good thing. :)
Just found this lecture/guest underscores the huge worries some of us have so well. I could go through this multiple times to take and retake more notes. This kind of common sense talk is just what we need more of.
competing with charcaol, trees don't go the sky, Games care (about perf) Intel pays attention to gamers, the future is mobile, wendys choices, days on autopilot of moore's law are over, efficent mobile low power is future, hopes there will come a time when linux has clout
Thank you Bob Colwell, and thank you to whoever at stanford just hosted that .asx
There's one from Kevin McGrath with AMD too.

Science & Technology at Scientific Lab Rat Genome Sequenced While it doesn't seem quite as significant as the Human Genome, having this map will allow for faster testing, and better targeting and understanding. - RSS readers offer new ways to keep up with the Web Another reporter has noticed the power and simplicity of RSS feeds. - Canadian judge says swapping songs online is legal

Macworld UK - IBM in chip-integration move: "'You can't make things smaller forever. What happens when the individual layers in your transistor get down to the dimensions of what they're made out of, which is, roughly, atoms?' " exactly.

So, Google is now trying out a Web Mail service to compete with Hotmail & Yahoo.
A. They should just stick to what they already do best. (I could be wrong here)
B. Providing 1GB of free storage per user will definitely change the game.
C. Is this just an April Fools Joke? It doesn't seem to be.
Looking at Google Labs, I see there are more things we could be using Google for, but probably don't. For example, did you know you can use it as a dictionary? Just type "define: xyz", and it gives you a result with the definition at the top. If you like wiktionary or better, fine. or use it as a calculator?
With the beta 'personalized' program, they are working on getting Google results more personalized to you. With News or Web alerts, you can get an email alert sent to you about any topic, on any schedule. The Deskbar is like the popular Toolbar, only it sits in the tasktray (constantly). I recommend you get at least one of them if you use Google.
Ever tried searching for things within a specific dollar range? You can now type "digital camera $200...$300" to get results back between those two prices. Note the dot-dot-dot. Now, if would only work on Froogle..
Google Local gives results back sorted according to your geographic location. Google wireless lets you search via your phone or PDA, and the Translate Tool does the obvious.
Of course we can't forget Google News, Google Groups, or Blogger. I could go on and on... (check features yourself) , but all this is leading up to-- the fact that a Google IPO must be around the corner.