Saturday, January 31, 2004

::guimp:: world's smallest website
Realized I haven't stayed on top of THG:Tom's Hardware Guide. spent this morning reading.
Globetechnology: "Apple to build second monster
Associated Press "

CtrlAltDelete creator retiring from IBM
via AP

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

So, Mediacom has told us they're (finally) bumping us back up to where we were in '99 & 2000: 3mb down with 256k up. Wahoo! The good part is the upstream is up to 256k, making VPNing, video conversations*, and VoIP better. It might even make your occasional afterhours game better too.

*They're not conferences with only 2 people. Do you call your normal phone calls conferences? right.

Friday, January 23, 2004

So, XM will soon drop commerials?.. Seems like very little reason to pick Sirius now, unless they really drop their sub. price.

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Wikipedia Another online Encyclopedia.

Monday, January 19, 2004

I learned something about Dr. King (that I didn't know) today. 40 years after, one can get dulled into thinking that everyone knew of Dr. King back then, which wasn't the case. He was known much more in the segregated south than the north. There were even blacks in the north who had not read or heard his words until his 1963 "I have dream" speech.
Apparently, SNL did a skit this weekend about the canidates being in town- with nowhere to go and nothing to do. Sorry I missed it guys, I was out at one of those places that doesn't exist.
Hive-Mind Mind Games Like mind games?
Finalists for the Bloggies have been posted. Go vote. ;)

I'm actually thinking of maybe going to the caucus tonight. These thoughts come from no small influence of my mother, who has never been to one in her life, and has decided to go. It's amazing how a good political race wakes people up. I've been told there hasn't been a race like this since 1980. Since I was just a kid, I don't know about that. What I do know is, if I do go, I can't vote. It's a small price to pay for staying independent. (for not being able to vote in primaries, note vote altogether- that would be to large a price) At least I'll become more informed, and maybe even pick a candidate.

Sunday, January 18, 2004

Blue Alliance's blog: Awsome, a blog all about VM'ing! I love it!
Yet another reason we're not as backward as you think: More people (%) e-file their taxes here than any other state.
Dyslexia and Spell Checkers do not mix.

[Listening to: Love You More - Bootz - Cream Of The Clubs 2004 (The B (03:50)]

Thursday, January 15, 2004

Disney, on the end of their contract with Pixar, has decided to close a major animators studio in Orlando. One of the last big houses of hand-drawn animation left, the suits still decided to cut it loose in favor of CGI animation, even though Pixar is free to do what they want soon.
sorry, no link..
Good news for those with still with Win98; Microsoft is continuing (paid) support for another year and a half.

Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, and Windows Millennium Support Extended:

"Windows 98 and Windows 98 Second Edition support was scheduled to end on January 16, 2004. However, continual evaluation of the Support Lifecycle policy revealed that customers in the smaller and the emerging markets needed additional time to upgrade their product. Therefore, Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, and Windows Me will continue to be supported after January 16, 2004."

Anybody in 'Frisco: Are there still Sea Lions out at Pier 39?
Novell Completes Acquisition of SUSE LINUX It's all wrapped up now.

Sunday, January 11, 2004

Hardware Analysis - How NOT to install computer hardware -
At first I chuckled. Then, as I flipped page to page, I started to shake my head

Levis Struass, one of the first and last clothiers to be pro-USA, has announced it will close it's last three north american factories to shift all work overseas.

Thursday, January 08, 2004

Charlize Theron and the director, Pattie Jenkins, were just on Charlie Rose for Monster. Charlize said "I can no longer accept mediocrity." (I'm paraphrasing)
All right Charlize! Stick to that an we will love you even more.
Ebert was right: 2003 was a (surprisingly) good year for movies.

Monday, January 05, 2004

The Sun Newspaper Online: "All set to make a splash", "Don’t the Swiss ever watch Chitty Chitty Bang Bang on their TVs over Christmas?"
The Sun Newspaper Online: "250 cheer loo sex couple"
The Sun Newspaper Online: "Cop grills paperboy for being up early"
Get the feeling "The Sun" is the same as "The Star" is here?
Steve Erwin- jeez man! What the hell were you thinkin'? You saw, just like everyone else in the world, what jacko did. It should be a simple lesson to anyone in the public eye: Do not dangle babys in harms way. Steve, even if you don't think it was 'harms way', you knew it could percieved by others like that. As the promoter you are, you should have known better- at least on that level.

[Listening to: Track 06 - lady of the house - - (05:14)]

Friday, January 02, 2004

BadRAM: Linux kernel support for broken RAM modules
This is way cool. I know....not exactly new, but I just ran across it. In theory, one could run Windows (and anything else) inside VMWare on top of Linux using BadRAM, too!
Within the past 24 hours, my Linksys BEFSR41 has choked twice. The first I thought was a fluke, but it just happened again. If it happens again, I'll start getting worried. I'll admit I've had paper ontop of it for 6-9 months, but I've never had any problems with it before..