Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Dagfari.com - Videos amatuer video of the first SpaceShipOne launch.
While I'm sorta on the subject, I can't wait for the new Stargate Atlantis!

Monday, June 28, 2004

310994 - How to obtain Windows XP Setup boot disks: "Future products will no longer support installation by using the Setup boot disks. Installation of future Microsoft Operating Systems will require the ability to start from the CD or from PXE boot from Network" While not surprising, I still know some people that'll be going out to buy a new CD drive to install Longhorn or whatever's next.

Saturday, June 26, 2004

How To Ask Questions The Smart Way Everyone should read this. Those of you with little regard for other people's lives, you know who you are.

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Comdex canned | The Register It's really sad how the whole thing cheapend over the last ten years.
::LINC Project Linux:: "The LINC Project (www.lincproject.org) is teaming up with GRO (www.gromo.org) and MLUG to pilot a project aimed at assessing the degree to which Linux can be used by non-technical users as a desktop computer operating system"
Opinion: How to Master GNU/Linux in 20 steps - OSNews.com Great list of advice if you're considering learning Linux.

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Happy Father's Day!

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Besides the Wayback Machine and SFLan, the Internet Archive folks are hosting FreeCache, an open akamai-like caching system.
SENT: America's first phonecam art show.
Mozilla 1.7 is out. Since I'm not fully converted to Firefox/Thunderbird, I'm plugging Mozilla.

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Apparrently, the hotest party game in Europe is Cockroach racing. No, unfortunately I'm not kidding.
The most bizarre murder story & trial that the media isn't covering. Actually, it's not that bizarre, considering the Mormon church is involved. Hey, there's a conspiricy theory for you. The media isn't covering it because the Mormon church is involved... hmm..
17 uses for dead cicadas
How long have we been wrestling with 'bookmarks'? Hyperlinkomatic
the 411 on the upcoming SpaceShip One flight.
Stupid Iams pet food calls a la stupid tech support calls.
In the grand spirit of amateur American innovation comes the Dot-matrix Bicycle Printer! And what inspired this innovation? Not money or (personal) power or even scientic pursuit, but opposition to the current President!
all via Boing Boing

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Eagerly awaiting Fahrenheit 9/11..
Remember the Russian lady who rode her cycle through Chernobyl? Well, apparantly it wasn't entirely true. Because of trust, we all fall for something. To note, I was convinced because of the pictures.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Big Daddy, you will be missed.

GadgetMadness: Pop goes the Gmail The first systray app so far for GMail.
Coke C2- anyone seen this around yet?
Andy Budd::Blogography: Underwater MP3 Player This would be awsome for decompression dives! I'll check with the local dive shop to see if they've got it, or even heard of it. (as I haven't been in in a loong time)
via GadgetMadness

Monday, June 14, 2004

Looking forward to BBS: The Documentary. Those were the days... For a long time, we were wondering if it was ever going to come out, it looks like it might now. trailer here.
While some things change, some things stay the same.
So, half of all geckos are natural clones of each other!??!!!
The Fast-Food Syndrome: The Linux Platform is Getting Fat - OSNews.com A commentary on the bloat and feature-creep that current distros are producing.
Remember- Google is your friend. :)

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

54% of India's population is under 25. No wonder the multinationals are choosing India. The majority of our population is aging, and theirs is rarin' to go.
I'm noticing I'm sending alot of posts to 'draft', then never editing them.

Saturday, June 05, 2004

Iowa Primate Learning Sanctuary Triggered by a conversation with a friend that didn't know this was under construction, I'm re-linking incase you also didn't know about it.

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Microsoft was granted a patent for double-clicking
/rant on
Another junk patent....another example of the USPO understaffed (w/ skilled workers). Multiple clicks for multiple functions has long been in use in mechanical systems for years. The USPO (Patent Office) needs overhauled/reformed/reinvigorated/restaffed/reorganized/etc. No, I didn't read the entire patent. Yes, I understand MS just uses their portfolio for defense. Still, patents like these are why other countries are ignoring our IP. When we grant a patent to something as general and already in use as a steering wheel (ex.), forgieners laugh at - and have no respect for - American IP. Are you listening Mr. Boswell & Mr. Harkin?
/rant off
via Slashdot
Updates: In another example of the USPO rubberstamping patents w/o researching them, MS was granted a patent for an apple tree!
The FTC has started looking into this whole problem. We'll see...

On a good note; I found .:: simply calvin and hobbes ::. :)

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

I can't believe I actually need SATA already. With 150+gig ATA100 drives in parallel, I'm back were I was 2 yrs. ago with ATA33 drives, frequently waiting on disk I/O. Damn Moore's law; time to upgrade again. Anyone interested in some ATA100 drives (various sizes)?